PRNewswire-USNewswire, Los Angeles, 7 Dec 2012 – California Society for Democracy in Iran (CSDI) welcomes the statement on Iran by Congressman Ed Royce (R-CA), the incoming Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.
Chairman Royce touched on two issues of practical importance to the community of Iranians in California and arguably that of all freedom loving Iranians. He called for a U.S.policy that “is smart and focused”, and “makes the best use of our limited resources.”
“The gravest threat facing the U.S.and our allies is Iran. We should be pressuring Tehran as hard as we can to stop its march to nuclear weapons,“ he added.
As members of California Society for Democracy in Iran (CSDI) we congratulate Mr. Royce on his selection to the Committee Chairmanship and are delighted to see that his intends to address Iran’s growing nuclear and terrorist threats in a way that will not exact any cost on the American people. We support Rep. Royce’s assertive and more decisive approach to the Iranian problem. It is our hope that this approach would also include standing with the Iranian people and the organized opposition, which represent agents of change in Iran.
Our community’s optimism is rooted in our belief in the democratic potential of the Iranian people, their organized resistance led by Madam Maryam Rajavi, and our collective ability to bring democracy to Iran. With his recent remarks on Iran, Rep. Royce is truly setting the right framework to help both the American and Iranian people arrive at our stated wishes of seeing a free, democratic, secular, and non-nuclear Iran.
California Society for Democracy in Iran Welcomes the Statement on Iran by Congressman Ed Royce